Tuesday 25 November 2014

Pittwater to Jibbon

Back on the boat after a week and a half at home. And a few boat repairs.

The Basin is so pretty...

...especially if you're the only boat there

The Boatshed, the nicest cafe in Sydney,
looking pretty ordinary from this angle.

One of the catamarans we saw in Port Macquarie.
All three were sailing up the coast.


We took up a mooring at Jibbon Beach and spent a couple of days there waiting for a weather window. 

Walking along the coast from Jibbon Beach

It ends up to be such a slow walk because
 you stop every few minutes to admire the rocks

Morning Melissa

Making our way through the Crookhaven

MR Crookhaven and the leads

On a courtesy mooring up the Crookhaven at Greenwell Point

Thursday 20 November 2014

Gladstone to Sydney

The Gladstone to Pittwater run was quick but we had some good stops along the way.

Leaving Gladstone

The painterly side of a cargo ship

Seeing in the dawn on the approach to Fraser

Fraser is littered with wrecks.
Actually the Australian coastline is littered with wrecks.

Post modern breakwater blocks at Coffs 

These remarkable timber catamarans, powered by wind (a generator was used only for the cooking and comms)  from the Cook Islands & Samoa sailed their way into the anchorage at Port Macquarie.They were part of the international parks and wildlife convention about to make their way to Sydney.

We spent a great day with Jeremy's uncle Tony and aunt Mary
at Port Macquarie
We had drinks on board Manutai with Jeremy's cousins 
Tony and Carol at Port Macquarie 
and thank you for the fresh picked Ricardoe's Tomatoes.
Fresh oysters and the best oyster knife, hand made,
from the Saturday harbourside markets

From this...

...to this